
Our curriculum of study provides a basic framework in the academic areas of Religion, Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Teachers in all grades use the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts and Math, and the Next Generation Science Standards. Teachers use their creativity to implement CCSS in ways that accommodate students’ different learning styles.

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Please click on the expandable boxes below to learn more about each of our classes and instructors.


shayOur children come to Kindergarten with varied backgrounds due to many home experiences, nursery schools, travel, television and technology. Our concern is the total child. Their physical, social, emotional and academic needs must be considered and developed for a well-balanced program.

Shenylka Fowles-Lord

chicksFirst grade is full of learning, laughter, and exploration. Students begin to gain independence and a true love of learning. In this grade, students have science labs involving baby chicks and Wonder robots. Students also perform at our annual All Saints Day Pageant. 

Meghan Rakus

Paula Zuzulock, Second Grade TeacherMy goal as a teacher is to devote myself to each child on an individual basis. That means being able to distinguish their specific style and personality. I believe that each child is as unique as a snowflake and it's my goal to identify their individual learning styles, what motivates them, and then find the means to engage each child at his or her level of development.  Saint Mary Interparochial is a collaborative community full of meaningful resources. 

Those resources come from our faculty, parent involvement, and of course the dedication of our principal. We strive to develop the whole child into a moral, academic, and Christ-centered young adult.  The bar here is set very high, but, we know that with God all things are possible.  

Paula Zuzulock


With eight years of classroom experience and five years dedicated to third grade, she brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to our school community. Ms. Booth has a diverse teaching background, having worked in public, charter, and Catholic schools, and she is thrilled to return to the Catholic school environment. Ms. Booth places a strong emphasis on building positive relationships with her students and is committed to creating engaging and enjoyable learning experiences. She frequently incorporates videos and plays instrumental music during her lessons, fostering an inviting and dynamic classroom atmosphere. Ms. Booth earned her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Alvernia University and is aspiring to pursue a Master’s degree in the near future. Outside the classroom, she enjoys spending time at the shore, attending Broadway shows, and traveling. Additionally, she is an avid supporter of the New Jersey Devils hockey team, having grown up in North Jersey.


In 3rd Grade, they will continue practicing cursive handwriting, addition, and subtraction and learning multiplication and division. They will also use Interactive Notebooks for Grammar lessons throughout the year and do activities in smaller groups for center rotations. Ms. Booth is excited to learn more about Saint Mary and get involved in the various community events.


Colleen Booth


My goal for fourth grade is to bring out the best in each student. I believe that every child has the ability, through encouragement and opportunity, to make a positive impact on the community! In their classes, our fourth grade students will continue to develop Math skills in regards to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, while implementing the use of fractions and decimals. They will master the Ten Commandments in Religion, understand the nature of science and S.T.E.M (through the engineering process and Life, Space and Earth Science). Students will study Pennsylvania in detail in Social Studies and they will be exposed to a wide variety of genres through their ELA studies.

Ms. Scarduzio is the new fourth grade homeroom teacher. She graduated from Widener University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Sociology and will begin working toward her masters in Education in January. In addition to being a teacher, she has also worked as a dance/gymnastics teacher and a sports coach for several years. Ms. Scarduzio's excited to begin her new journey at Saint Mary!

Julianna Scarduzio

Rose Ryan, 5th Grade TeacherThe new experiences for Saint Mary fifth graders are joining the “Big Floor” shared with sixth, seventh and eighth grade students, as well as beginning departmental classes where they switch classes for subjects such as Science and Social Studies. This grade level is also where students can participate in Athletics programs, learn Ballroom Dancing, and begin their preparations for Confirmation.

Rosemarie Ryan

Jacob Bridy, Sixth Grade TeacherSixth grade is a very exciting time where students begin to experience new and challenging opportunities. Students are safeties for the kindergarten class, which teaches them responsibility. This is also the first year that students can be invited to join the National Junior Honors Society. A major theme in sixth grade is exploration of new responsibilities and the curriculum.  In social studies, we study World culture and history, culminating in our Model UN project, while in science we explore our Earth, its atmosphere, and the solar system.

Mr. Bridy is a lifelong Philadelphian and fan of the Phillies and Eagles, Go Birds! He is a graduate of Saint Mary's and Roman Catholic High School, and my college background is in museums and paleontology. He spent many years working at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology and the Burke Museum in Seattle. Finally, He is a vegetarian and a lover of tea. 

Jacob Bridy

pillaMs. Pilla Wolfe is excited to join SMIPS and to work with the bright, inventive minds of our middle-schoolers. She worked as a writer, an editor and a local journalist for three decades, plus 12 years as an Italian-language teacher in four Philadelphia elementary schools. She’s a stickler for English grammar — diagramming sentences is her cardio! — and, while she’s eager to share her appreciation for language and literature, she is most enthusiastic about learning from our students’ interpretations and insights. She hopes to engage all grades in forming a student newspaper and a literary review, but her primary goals are to ensure the advanced literacy of our 7th- and 8th-graders and to instill a lifelong appreciation of meaning beyond just words. 

Sandra Pilla Wolfe

Judy Crossan-Sanicky, Eighth Grade TeacherI have been a member of the faculty for over thirty years and I am also an alumnus of Saint Mary Interparochial School. The faith-filled, loving environment along with the innovative and ever-changing teaching styles help to make our school number one. We strive to give each student the ability to achieve and go beyond what they thought possible.

Judy Crossan-Sanicky

234Saint Mary Interparochial School boasts an honors math program currently serving grades 4-8. The program is Archdiocese approved and monitored. The curriculum of honors math follows the common core standards. Students in honors math enjoy the benefits of a rigorous pace and a small classroom environment. Current class sizes range from 8 to 12 students. The program addresses the needs of higher-achieving students. Eighth grade students take a full Algebra I course in the last year of the program. Plans include projects and assignments that connect to real-world problems and integrate STEM and STEAM ideas.

Denise Pimpinella

spanishStudents in grades K through 6 receive instruction in Spanish once a week, while students in grades 7 and 8 receive instruction twice a week. Students are exposed to many facets of the Spanish language, including vocabulary, grammar, and culture. Cultural experiences are a hallmark of the Spanish language program.

Señor Jimenez is our new K-8 Spanish teacher. He is originally from Guatemala and was a 4th Grade teacher while also teaching Spanish as a second language to children and adults. He received an Elementary Education degree in Esquipulas, Guatemala and is currently enrolled at Temple University for language studies. He focuses on accommodating himself to his students' needs. Since he learned English as a second language,  he understands the challenges of learning a second language. He has also developed some strategies to speed up the process of learning. His primary goal is to teach practical everyday Spanish that focuses on daily essentials.


Jose Jiménez


techSTREAM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning through problem-solving in a real-world context using 21st-century tools. This program aims to provide early exposure to STREAM activities and opportunities for application.

In 2007, Lauren Huot graduated from Drexel University with a BS/MS in Digital Media. The program integrated traditional design techniques with cutting-edge technologies. There, Mrs. Huot was introduced to graphic design, web design, 3D modeling, and visual effects. Mrs. Huot has taught Technology/STREAM at St Mary Interparochial School since 2009. She is a level 2 Google for Education Certified Educator and 2022-2024 common sense educator; additionally, she completed cubelets and MakerBot certifications. In 2020-2021, Mrs. Huot was named an AOP Tech EdTeach Influencer. 


Lauren Huot


Art class provides an amazing opportunity to explore new supplies, skills, cultures, and art history. As an alumn who discovered her love of art at St. Mary, it is my utmost privilege to pass on that excitement and wonder to my students. 

In class, we will have hands-on experience learning about the amazing world of art. Students will gain practical skills like perspective, sewing, and color theory; as well as delving into the wonderful world of famous artists and art movements that changed the world! My personal goal is to show that art is all about trying new things and not being afraid to fail.

Morgan McCoy

MusicStudents in grades K-8 receive music instruction once a week. They learn about music in various ways, including history, theory, culture, vocabulary, and general knowledge of music. During music class, the students are prepared for their individual Class Masses, Las Posadas, and May Procession. They also participate in a class sing-off, Christmas choir, and Spring Musical performance.

Jen Rizzio

pjMr. PJ Gallagher lives in South Philadelphia and has three incredible sons, ‘33, ‘32 and ‘29, who are currently attending Saint Mary's. He has worked as a Special Education Teacher and Coordinator of Special Education Services in the Philadelphia School District as well as a Behavioral Therapist working primarily with students living with Autism in the community and school settings. He has an undergraduate degree in Religion and Psychology from La Salle University, PA Special Education Teacher's Certification through Eastern University and a Post Master's Degree from St. Joseph's University in Applied Behavioral Analysis. Along with a passion for serving and advocating for students living with learning, emotional and behavioral needs he has also coached Track and Field and Cross Country on the High School and Elementary Levels for over 20 years. 

PJ Gallagher

refrThe 4th, 5th, and 6th grade honors math program at Saint Mary Interparochial School provides high-achieving students with a personalized learning experience and highly transferable math skills. The curriculum of honors math follows the common core standards. Current class sizes range from 8 to 12 students. The program addresses the needs of higher-achieving students. Students are pushed to utilize and apply their math knowledge in a fast-paced curriculum that incorporates unit projects, creative problem solving, and real-world scenarios. 

Ms. Lewis, the new campus minister and 4th, 5th, and 6th grade honors math teacher, is originally from Chicago but has embraced Philadelphia as her home since completing her undergraduate degree from the University of Notre Dame. She recently received her Master of Education degree through Notre Dame's ACE (Alliance for Catholic Education) program, and is excited to embrace a unique position within the Saint Mary community as both a classroom teacher and faith coordinator.

Marie Claire Lewis