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The annual Walkathon rallies and unifies the Saint Mary community in support of Art, Music and Language Studies for the children of our school. Thanks to donations collected by our students and sponsorships made by our benefactors, we can continue to enrich our curriculum with vibrant programs in these essential subjects.




23rd Annual Walkathon on Friday, May 16th!

This annual fundraising campaign supports arts enrichment programs, and our goal this year is $50,000. This year’s Walkathon will celebrate “The Sounds of Philadelphia: Musical Firsts & Legendary Musicians.” We are looking forward to exploring our city’s rich musical history with students in the weeks leading up to the Walkathon.

If you have any questions, please email the Walkathon co-chairs, Matthew and Susan Koger, Parents Class of 2025, at  


2025 Walkathon

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited for the 23rd annual Walkathon on May 16th! This annual fundraising campaign supports arts enrichment programs, and our goal this year is $50,000. This year’s Walkathon will celebrate “The Sounds of Philadelphia: Musical Firsts & Legendary Musicians.” We are looking forward to exploring our city’s rich musical history with students in the weeks leading up to the Walkathon.

Per our tradition, the Walkathon will launch from Old St. Joseph’s Church. Students will walk a 1-2 mile route in groups as follows: Kindergarten and 7th; 1st and 8th; 2nd, 3rd and 4th; 5th and 6th. Volunteer information will be sent to families ahead of time. 

There are many ways to support the Walkathon, and we have outlined them in the attached FAQs. At least one donation must be allocated toward a student in order for them to participate in the Walkathon. All students who are eligible to participate in the Walkathon will receive an event shirt. Students who reach their fundraising goal of $150 or more will be part of the “Bend the Rules” program this spring. 

The 2025 Walkathon will support the foundational art, music, and language programs that support our students on their journeys to becoming passionate, confident, Christ-centered leaders of the 21st century. Students who have the benefit of an arts education have increased motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork. They score significantly better on standardized tests and have stronger skills in math and reading. Overall, arts education promotes creativity, social development, and self-worth. 

Please support and encourage our students throughout the next few months. Let them know why it is so important to fund the arts programs and motivate them to find ways to contribute. The campaign is designed so that all students have a chance to reach their $150 goal. 

If you have any questions, please visit or e-mail the Walkathon co-chairs, Matthew and Susan Koger, Parents Class of 2025, at  

Thank you for your support of the students of Saint Mary!

Many blessings,

Image removed.

Jayda Pugliese, M.Ed, Ed.D.(c)



We are excited for the 23nd  annual Saint Mary Walkathon on May 16, 2025! Below are answers to frequently asked questions about this essential fundraising campaign.

What is the Walkathon?

The Walkathon is an annual, multifaceted fundraising campaign that directly supports the arts programs at Saint Mary Interparochial School. Donations and sponsorships are collected by students and families between March and May of each year, culminating with a spirited and celebratory walk through the school’s historic neighborhood. 

This year’s Walkathon will celebrate “The Sounds of Philadelphia: Musical Firsts & Legendary Musicians.”

Why does the Walkathon support arts programs? How do these programs make a difference in the lives of our children?

Without the funds raised by this campaign, Saint Mary would either have to substantially curtail or eliminate art, music, and foreign language programs. A number of studies support the conclusion that students who participate in formal art and music education have higher academic achievement scores than students who do not benefit from this enrichment. Foreign language learners consistently outperform control groups on standardized tests in core subject areas - often significantly. Students who study the arts have increased motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork. Overall, arts education promotes creativity, social development, and self-worth. 


What makes the arts programs at Saint Mary an enriched learning experience?

Accomplished and passionate educators lead the arts programs at Saint Mary in their specialty fields of art, language, and music education. By attending school events, viewing the artwork, and asking your children what they are learning, you will realize that the students at Saint Mary participate in exceptional arts enrichment programs. This contributes to a richer curriculum that gives our children a proven advantage over other students when applying to high schools. 

Who walks in the Walkathon?

Along with faculty, staff, and parent volunteers, all students who receive at least one donation may participate in the Walkathon. Note that all donations are divided evenly among siblings. All participating students will receive a Walkathon shirt to wear for the event. Students who raise $150 or more will be part of the Bend the Rules program. 

What is the Walkathon fundraising goal and how will we reach that goal?
This year, our goal is to raise $50,000. There are several ways over the next few months that we, as a collective school community, can reach that goal, including:

  • Letters to Loved Ones (March): The students will personalize letters to loved ones who may want to contribute to their education in the arts. The school will ask you for addresses and will send these letters directly to family and friends. This effort raises thousands of dollars each year and is an integral part of the Walkathon campaign.
  • Raffles (April-May): The school community will have the chance to win several special prizes in April. Monetary donations toward the purchase of raffle tickets prize will count toward your students’ $150 goal.
  • Pledges (May): Every student will be given a pledge sheet and online pledge link in early May. Ask friends and neighbors to make a pledge. $5 here or $10 there will add up! 
  • Sponsorships (Ongoing): There are multiple levels of giving in the form of sponsorships: 
    • Presenting ($1000+)
    • Cultural Champion ($500+)
    • Arts for Hearts ($250+)
    • Music to My Ears ($150+)
    • Granate and Blanco ($75+)

We encourage you to seek sponsorships from local businesses and organizations. Many companies will match charitable donations so check with your employer. Each level of giving includes special recognition, including an ad in the event book which is distributed to every family. Families often sponsor and place a “parent pride” ad in the book.

Simply, participation by all will help achieve our goal.

How does “Bend the Rules” work? 

To encourage students to meet a fundraising goal of $150, each student who reaches that amount will:

  • Sign the “Bend the Rules” banner that hangs in the multipurpose room throughout the Spring
  • Receive a 2025 Walkathon custom button
  • Receive passes to bend up to three school rules such as relax the dress code; wear nail polish; homework pass; sport a wild hair color;  and more!

Students with the highest fundraising totals will be eligible for additional prizes as well, like Principal for the Day and Class Treat Day.


What counts toward a student’s “Bend the Rules” total?

All monetary pledges, sponsorships, and donations count toward the $150 goal.


Who do I contact with questions? 

Email the co-chairs of the Walkathon, Matthew and Susan Koger, at

Sponsorships and Donations

We invite individuals and businesses to support the arts at Saint Mary by serving as a Walkathon sponsor or by providing a donation. Sponsorships begin at $75, and each level includes an advertisement or personal message in the Walkathon event book. Please send all advertisements to

Online: To make a secure donation to support our students’ Art, Music and Language Studies Programs, please click here.

Check: Send a check made payable to Saint Mary Interparochial School. Please
add “Walkathon” to the memo line. Checks may be mailed to St. Mary Interparochial School, Fifth and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, PA, 19106.

  • Sponsorships: There are multiple levels of giving in the form of sponsorships: 
    • Presenting ($1000+)
      •  Corporate logo placed prominently on the Walkathon event shirt. This sponsorship enables all students to receive an event shirt to wear during the Walkathon; Corporate logo placed on the front cover and a full-page ad with prominent placement in the Walkathon event book; Corporate logo placed prominently on the Walkathon event banner which is carried during the event and later hung from the school gates; Acknowledgment on our website and in social media communications; Acknowledgment in our Annual Report issued in Summer 2025.
      • The deadline for Presenting Sponsorship is April 25, 2025.
    • Cultural Champion ($500+)
      • Corporate logo placed on the back of the Walkathon event shirt and on the front cover of the annual Walkathon event book; Corporate logo or family name placed prominently on the Walkathon event banner which is carried during the event and later hung from the school gates; Full-page ad within the annual Walkathon event book; Acknowledgment on our website and in social media communications; Acknowledgment in our Annual Report issued in Summer 2025.
      • The deadline for Cultural Champion Sponsorship is April 25, 2025.
    • Arts for Hearts ($250+)
      • Corporate logo or family name placed prominently on the Walkathon event banner which is carried during the event and later hung from the school gates; Full-page ad within the annual Walkathon event book; Acknowledgment on our website and in social media communications; Acknowledgment in our Annual Report issued in Summer 2025.
      • The deadline for Arts for Hearts Sponsorship is May 2, 2025.
    • Music to My Ears ($150+)
      • Full-page ad within the annual Walkathon event book; Acknowledgment on our website and in social media communications; Acknowledgment in our Annual Report issued in Summer 2025.
    • Granate and Blanco ($75+)
      • Half-page ad within the annual Walkathon event book; Acknowledgment on our website and in social media communications; Acknowledgment in our Annual Report issued in Summer 2025.

The Walkathon Event Book ad deadline is May 15, 2025.

Online: To submit a secure sponsorship or donation to support our students’ Art, Music and Language Studies Programs, please click here




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